Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Selected Views for You

When we travel with Casa, more than half of the time my view is the back of Q’s helmet, less than half of the time it is completely dark because I tend to doze off during the boring parts. Only occasionally – as occasional as one spots a Cindy Crawford I suppose - we come across some views that are so gorgeous that they are stuck in our minds. Here are some to share with you:

2010-06-18 15h19m26s DMC-TS2 P1000567


2010-11-04 14h31m02s DMC-TS2 P1040003

2010-11-13 17h16m02s DMC-TS2 P1040226

2010-11-11 14h34m59s DMC-TS2 P1040153

2010-10-29 10h57m09s DMC-TS2 P1030707

We have just ridden through the Lake District of Argentina – another wonderful sight for all of us:

2010-11-21 14h46m00s DMC-LX3 P1010525_RW2

Now on the front porch of the mystical Patagonia, and see what greeted us:

2010-11-18 11h01m55s DMC-TS2 P1040427

2010-11-18 11h18m58s DMC-TS2 P1040432

And for the first time in South America, we know exactly where we are heading to for the next two weeks! This is very exciting, and I shall share with you once we reach THERE!


Nana H said...

WOW! Love those last two pics guys (love all of them, but those clouds are like wow).



2BFrank said...

Wauw! Nice views, nice pics. Really enjoy them and your stories. Keep them coming!
