Thursday, September 16, 2010

The Gran Chaco

Our decision of heading up north after Buenos Aires is driven by the weather factor. Argentina was still rather chilly coming out of winter and we were drawn to warmth.

They say be careful of what you wish for.


Casa’s display reads 36.5 degree celcius – and this is with complete overcast.

We are in The Chaco, northern frontier of Paraguay.  It has a nasty reputation as the “Green Hell” – harsh and unpredictable weather condition rules the region. We decided to make a day trip and see for ourselves.

It started off quite well: some uneven and unpaved roads but apparently considered well by the locals.


Then the road condition deteriorated rather quickly with thick sand masking hard rocks.


Next thing we knew all of us were flat out covered in sand.


Fortunately all of us were unharmed (Thanks to Q for making sure I wore my protective gears), except for, wait for it, our GPS.


YIKES, with a broken antenna, our GPS would not be very useful for our navigation into Bolivia tomorrow, not to mention the rest of the trip.

Later today while I was glancing through our travel guidebook, this caught my attention. Apparently the annual three-day Rally Transchaco motorsport is considered “one of the toughest on the planet”. Wish we read that earlier!


Update: Above was written about three days ago, we couldn’t post the blog because of lack of internet. Will send new post soon, but here is a preview of our border crossing into The Gran Chaco part of Bolivia.


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