Many of you have asked us how the Christmas celebration was like in this part of the world. Well, let's just say the consumerism is well-globalized phenomenon. There was full-blown ad campaign to encourage holiday shopping just about everywhere. Snow domes and Santa Clause photo booths can be spotted in just about all major shopping malls. For X'mas Eve, we had a few friends over for drinks. And on X'mas day, Danielle and Johan from South Africa kindly hosted an outdoor party at their place and other guests include friends from Wales and Switzerland. here's a photo taken from our X'mas day meal. The temperature was in mid-20s, so no snow. ;) There was a constant stream of jingle-bell music and they even had a little x'mas tree. All in all, a very cheerful celebration.
Looking back, 2007 was a wonderful year for us, and I can't agree with Q more - we have all our family and friends to be grateful towards - thanks again for all your support! As for
our new year's celebration, initially I was so caught up in job searching that I didn't even want to do anything. But a day before that when I was writing one of the "Happy New Year" emails, it occurred to me how much we have accomplished in 2007! It overwhelmed me to recall our experience with moving to AD, and just amazing and exciting people we have met through my/our trips in Central Europe, Indonesia, Sigapore and Abu Dhabi(Obviously!). After this realization, we toasted to 2007 with lotsa bubbles, enjoyed an amazing four-course dinner by Chef Q, together with a couple of friends from Edinburgh. It was a very cozy and great celebration! Here is a photo of the main course with Stephanie and Richard enjoying it! For the foodies out there, it's pea risotto with fish fillet and homemade sun-dried tomato. YUMMMM!)
Another worth-mentioning event was that 2007 ended with a loud bang, literally. Q is overdued with his report, but I will give everyone a little hint - it involves our beloved Lexus. ;)
Looking ahead at 2008, we expect more family and friends to visit AD, and explore more places ourselves. So far Q has a two-week trip to Vietnam coming up, and we both will go to the Philippines in February for the family reunion. The rest of trips will follow in due time and I am sure we'll find ourselves in the middle of nowhere pretty soon. ;) As for me, I am also very excited about wrapping up my job searching soon and hopefully starting to work within January. I will post separately about that since I am sure some of you would want to know the juicy bits in detail.
All in all, in 2008 we will continue following the wise words of Mr. Mark Twain:"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in you sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." (psst, Q: I don't see an "Xbox" anywhere in the trade winds, do you? ;)
Happy New Year and Cheers, Everyone!![](
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